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Psychiatric Play of Pituitary Microadenoma: A Case Report from Tertiary Care Centre at Bhopal.

2024, November, Volume 1, Issue 1, P: 91-94

1)      Dr. Pranav  Vaidya: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, L.N Medical College
and J.K Hospital, Bhopal.
2)      Dr. Ishita Chaturvedi, Resident, Department of Psychiatry, L.N Medical
College and J.K Hospital, Bhopal.
3)      Dr. Anshi Singh, Resident, Department of Psychiatry, L.N Medical
College and J.K Hospital, Bhopal.
4)      Dr. Priyanka Tiwari. Resident, Department of Psychiatry, L.N Medical
College  and J.K Hospital, Bhopal.

Corresponding Author: 
Dr. Ishita Chaturvedi,
Resident, Department of Psychiatry,
L.N Medical College and J.K Hospital, Bhopal
Mobile: 8103093883

Abstract: Introduction – The relationship between pituitary tumors and psychiatric symptoms is well established, and these tumors have been associated with various forms of psychopathology. This has been attributed to the dysregulation of the hypothalamic – pituitary – adrenal (HPA) axis. Pituitary adenomas have an impact on personality, cognition, mood and behavior of patients. Case Report – This paper describes a 27 year old female, with mood symptoms along with psychotic features and primary amenorrhea. The patient was started on antidepressant and low dose antipsychotic and serum prolactin sample was sent (value came out to be raised). After having ruled out all the probable causes for raised serum prolactin, MRI brain with pituitary contrast was performed which confirmed a microadenoma of size around ~ 8mm. Patient was subsequently managed with Cabergoline. Gradually, her symptoms improved. Conclusion – This case report investigates the relationship between pituitary tumors (microadenoma) and its psychiatric manifestations and recognizes the fact that an early diagnosis and cost effective management can improve the quality of life in such cases.

Keywords: pituitary microadenoma, psychiatric symptoms, endocrine disorders, case report

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