Editorial Board

Editor- in- Chief
Dr. Abhimanu Kumar
Associate Professor
Department of Anatomy
Ram Krishna Medical College and Hospital
Kolar Road, Bhopal, MP, India &
Founder & CEO of Ramnath Prasad Institute of Higher Education Foundation - East Chamaran
Email Id: Chairman@rpihefoundation.com
Email Id: drakanatomy@gmail.com

Managing Editor
Dr. Sumit Kumar Vishwakarma
Assistant Professor
Department of General Medicine
Ram Krishna Medical College and Hospital
Bhopal, MP, India
Email: Sumit@rpihefoundation.com
Editorial Board Members

Dr. Manoj Kumar (India)
Assistant Professor Pharmacology &
Co-Founder of Ramnath Prasad Institute of Higher Education Foundation, East Champaran

Dr. Manoj Kumar (India)
Assistant Professor
Department of General Medicine
RKMCH-RC, Bhopal, MP
Email Id: Manoj@rpihefoundation.com
Click Profile

Dr. Sheeba Faruqui
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry
PIMSR, Peoples University, Bhopal
Email Id: sheeba@rpihefoundation.com

Dr. Sunil Yadav
Assistant Professor
Department of Respiratory
RKMCH-RC, Bhopal
Email: sunil@rpihefoundation.com

Dr Sangeeta Bhadra
Assistant Professor
Department of Ophthalmology
Ram Krishna Medical College, Bhopal
Email: sang@rpihefoundation.com
Additional Members

Dr. Shilpa Bathla (India)
Associate Professor
Department of Anatomy
Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi
Email: drshilpa0810@gmail.com

Dr. Priyanka Sinha (India)
Associate Professor
Department of Anatomy
Autonomus State Medical College, Fatehpur
Email: priyankasinha971@gmail.com

Dr. Kapil Gupta (India)
Department of Biochemistry
Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences
and Research, Bhatinda
Email: id-drkailguta05@gmail.com

Dr. Nilesh Shyam Chavan (India)
Professor and head
Department of Microbiology
SRVS Government Medical College Shivpuri ( M.P. )
Email: nilesh.chavan005@gmail.com

Professor of Human Biology, Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Dentistry, Zarqa University, Jordan &
Professor and Former Head of Anatomy and Embryology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University & (Egypt) * Global Goodwill Ambassador
* Surgeon and Consultant of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility
* Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Human Anatomy (USA)
* Editor-in-Chief of Women's Health and Complications (UK)
* Editor-in-Chief of The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research * Editor-in-Chief of SAR Journal of Medical Case Reports (Bangladesh)
* Editor-in-Chief of, International Journal of Science and Research Development
* Editor-in-Chief of "Cloning & Transgenesis (USA)
* Associate Editor-in-Chief of International Journal “Neurology and Neuroscience Reports” (UK)

Dr. Mohammad Ashraf Khan (India)
Associate Professor
Department of Anatomy
Shree S I M S, Bhilai, CG
Email: drashraf4u@gmail.com

Dr. Madhav Kumar (United Kingdom)
from CSIR-CSMCRI, (AcSIR New Delhi)
Visting Scientist
Under Quadram Institute, UK
Email: kmadhav019@gmail.com

Dr. Kanchan Bala Dogra (India)
Assistant Professor
Department of Anatomy
Chirayu Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal
Email: drkanchandr01@gmail.com

Dr. Sachendra Kumar Mittal (India)
Associate Professor
Department of Anatomy
NIMS Medical College, Jaipur
Email: drskm@gmail.com

Dr. Keerti Bhardwaj (India)
Assistant Professor
Department of Anatomy
JNU Medical College, Jaipur
Email: drkb@gmail.com

Dr. Sudeep Kumar (India)​
Department of Biochemistry
Mazaffarnagar Medical College, UP
Email: sudeepty@gmail.com

Dr. Praveen Kumar Singh (India)
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry
MMMCH, Solan, HP
Email: bchaiims@gmail.com

Dr. Deepti Arora (India)
Department of Anatomy
MMCMSR, Sadopur, Ambala
Email: dr.deeptiarora@gmail.com

Dr. Khizer Hussain Afroze M (India)
Associate Professor
Department of Anatomy
MVJ Medical College, Bangalore
Email: drafroze.homoeo@gmail.com

Dr. Anju Bala (India)
Assistant Professor
Department of Anatomy
Pt. BD Sharma, PGIMS, Haryana
Email: anju.bala1224@gmail.com

Dr. Krishna Chaitanya Paleti (India)
Associate Professor
Department of Biochemistry
Viswabharathi Medical College, Kurnool
Email: krishnabiochemistry2012@gmail.com

Dr. Praveen Gautam (India)
Department of Microbiology
RG Institute of Medical Science, Hathras
Email: gautampraveen660@gmail.com

Dr. Mamta Sagar
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry
Email: drmamtasagar01@gmail.com

Dr. Vipin Kumar Sharma (India)
Assistant Professor
Department of Physiology
Govr,. Medical College, Chittorgarh
Email: vipin2503@gmail.com

Dr. Priyakna N Sharma
Associate Professor
Department of Anatomy
SBKS MI & RC, Vadodara
Email: priyanka.sweet28@gmail.com

Dr. Sanjana Devi
Associate Professor
Department of Anatomy
Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
Bathinda, Punjab
Email: sanabansal20@gmail.com

Dr. Abhinav Kumar Mishra
Assistant Professor
Department of Anatomy
KMC Medical College & Hospital, Maharajganj, UP

Dr. Samta Gaur
Assistant Professor
Department of Anatomy
Government Medical College, Pali Rajasthan
Email: Deorasamta@gmai.com

Dr. Soumya Singh​
Assistant Professor
Department of Microbiology
ASMC, Sultanpur

Dr Rajdeep Paul​
Assistant Professor,
Department of Microbiology, Chirayu Medical College and Hospital, Chirayu University, Bhopal, M.P.

Dr. Suneet Kumar Yadav (India)
Associate Professor
Department of Microbiology
RMCHRC, Kanpur, UP
Email: sunityadav60@gmail.com

Dr. Arnab Kishore (K.N)​
Assistant Professor
Microbiology and Immunology
Xaviers University School of Medicine (K.N.)
Email: kishore.arnaw@gmail.com

Dr. Suresh Babu Kondaveeti (Barbados)
FAIMER, FLS, FACSc, FAACC, MRSB,CBiol, CSci,MI Visiting Faculty Department of Biochemistry Bridgetown International University, Barbados
Email: ksuresh.babu@smcw.siu.com

Dr. Shital Hathila (India)
Assistant Professor
Department of Anatomy
Govr. Medical College, Baroda, Gujrat
Email: bhishushital@gmail.com

Dr. Ritu Agarwal
Department of Anatomy
Government medical college, Pali, Rajasthan
Email: rituagarwal73@gmail.com

Dr. Anita Jain
Associate Professor
Department of Physiology
MG Medical College, Jaipur
Email: dr.anita17sept@gmail.com

Dr. Pranav Vaidya
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry
L.N. Medical College & Hospital, Bhopal

Dr. Rupa Chapparwal
Department of Anatomy
Sri Arbindo Medical College and PG Institute,
Sri Aurobindo University, Indore, MP
Email: cdrupa29@gmail.com

Dr. Himanshu Pancari
Assistant Professor
Department of Dermatology
RKMCH-RC, Bhopal

Dr. Ashok Kumar Sharma
Professor & HOD
Department of Forensic Med. & Toxicology
RKMCH-RC, Bhopal

Dr. Abhisekh Sen
Assistant Professor
Department of Anatomy
RKMCH-RC, Bhopal, MP

Dr. Buddhadeb Ghosh
Assistant Professor
Department of Anatomy
NSC Government Medical College, Khandwa
Email: dr.ghosh86@gmail.com

Dr. Pranshi Tripathi
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry
Kalyan Singh Government Medical College, Bulandshar
Email: mishra.pranshi@gmail.com

Dr. Muneerah Saeed
Assistant Professor
Department of Pathology
R. G. Medical College and Research Centre
Hathras, UP, India
Email Id: munirasaeed7@gmail.com